There are different kinds of racing events that you would encounter similar to stock cars, sports cars, open wheel cars, rally cars and even local short track cars that may race on asphalt or dirt. Every type has different tracks associated with its unique accessibility for photographers to take photos.

Simple Tips to take Motorsport Racing Photos

Still, nothing can beat those who have unlimited access for track locations and if you could get a press pass, you are basically on the top. However, not everyone has that option. So what else you can do?


Road courses are offering opportunities to have awesome action photos without getting special access. With just a bit of resourcefulness, you may try using a short ladder to go a little bit over the fence and take a shot of fast cars as they pass by you.


There are instances in which autofocus is unpredictable and might lock onto a certain subject either in the background or foreground as you’re about to make the shot.

By moving over to manual focus, you will be able to prefocus the track’s location and wait for cars to come to you.

Once done, you simply need to click on the shutter and capture the racers in focus.