Lengthy identity checks and payment card integration make onboarding users to your online gambling app a challenge. Many are reluctant to share their personal information, while other people are put off by unclear instructions, slow loading times, and completely incomprehensible error messages.

Tips to optimize user onboarding for online gambling

Integrate a timeline to make registration playful

Gambling operators who want all the data on a single page are expected to overwhelm and turn off possible customers. If you divide the registration form into sections, the process immediately seems much more manageable and simple. You could add a playful element by incorporating a timeline. The timeline tracks the completed phases and shows customers how much they have accomplished and how far they still have to go.

Design data fields that work universally

Postal address formats vary around the world as well as first and last name conventions. Data fields which need a house number might not work for customers who only have a house name. For example, fields that only require the last name will not work in Spain or most South American countries. To make it easy for legitimate customers to subscribe (สมัครสมาชิก), it’s best to use generic fields such as Address Line 1. If this is not possible for regulatory reasons, you must localize the fields accordingly for each target market.

Make field descriptions static

Gambling operators often make the mistake of choosing field labels that disappear as soon as the user enters the answer. Since the name is no longer visible, the user can no longer look up what he should have entered in the field in the event of an error message. If you place static labels outside of fields, users don’t have to delete their answers to see the field labels.

Give detailed instructionsUFABET

In addition to a bulleted list of your requirements, visual aids are often appreciated by users. For example, you could show in an image where your users can find a specific number on their ID card or passport, or you could provide specific instructions such as “Your tax number can be found on your income tax statement”. Localize your instructions for your different markets if necessary.

Gambling operators face a difficult task if they want to attract customers and be successful. However, User onboarding is the initial step to do so.